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Politico Levon Melik-Shahnazarian: protocols unacceptable

Political scientist Levon Melik-Shahnazarian: Armenian-Turkish
protocols are unacceptable to Armenian side

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 4, NOYAN TAPAN. The provisions stipulated in the
intiated protocols between Armenia and Turkey are unacceptable to the
Armenian side, political scientist Levon Melik-Shahnazarian expressed
an opinion at the September 4 press conference. According to him,
either side can construe these documents in its own way. In his
opinion, Turkey’s preconditions are indirectly present in the
protocols. The political scientist forecast that the Karabakh conflict
settlement process will become much more active in the near future.
"Turkey is using these protocols as leverage to put pressure on the
co-chair countries. Pressure on the Armenian side is also expected –
with the aim of reaching some agreements," he noted.

Political scientist Alexander Manasian said that by using the indicated
protocols, Turkey will try to become an active participant in the
Karabakh conflict settlement process. "The Armenian side must declare
that this document has no relation to Nagorno Karabakh," he said. That
is, according to A. Manasian, whether the protocols are pro-Armenian or
not depends on the diplomatic and political skills of the Armenian
side. He reminded that there is no legal argument, by which Baku can
substantiate its claims to the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.

Nahapetian Lilit:
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