First Armenian-Croatian Business Forum Held In Zagreb



ZAGREB, SEPTEMBER 9, NOYAN TAPAN. On September 8 – the second day of
his 3-day official visit to Croatia, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan
together with President of Croatia Stjepan Mesic took part in the first
Armenian-Croatian business forum with the participation of about 100
businessmen from both countries. According to the RA presidential press
service, a memorandum on cooperation was signed between the Chamber
of Commerce and Industry of Armenia and the Croatian Economic Chamber.

In his speech S. Sargsyan said that the forum opens a good opportunity
for businessmen of Armenia and Croatia to establish relations
and outline their further cooperation. In his words, holding such
forums on a regular basis will promote trade and economic relations
between the two countries and help establish mutually beneficial
cooperation. He attached importance to the fact that the forum is
being held in conditions of the global crisis which increases the
significance of its possible results.

S. Sargsyan stated that Armenia’s scientific and technological
potential have created prerequisites for the development of its IT
sector, electronics, pharmaceutics, and chemical industry. Armenia
also has serious potential in such sectors as agricultural industry,
construction, light industry, gem and jewelry sector, tourism, and
power engineering. Noting that the information technology sector
has been proclaimed a priority at a state level both in Armenia and
Croatia, S. Sargsyan informed the forum participants that during
negotiations, the opportunities of cooperating with the Croatian
branch of Ericsson with the aim of introdicing an electronic health
system had been discussed.

Speaking about the unused opportunities in the tourism sector,
S. Sargsyan said that the examination of Croatia’s experience and the
use of its possibilities to train specialists in tourism may open new
and wide perspectives for businessmen engaged in this sphere. Besides,
great horizons for bilateral cooperation are opening in the rapidly
developing infrastructure sector of Armenia, within the framework
of the investment projects on construction of North-South Highway,
a railway and the new nuclear power plant.

He reminded that during the Croatian president’s official visit to
Armenia in May, the sides agreed to spare no effort to establish and
develop mutually beneficial links between the two peoples, for which
two precondition exist: to create a legal and contractual field and
to encourage direct contacts between business circles of the two
countries. "As for the first precondition, as you know, during the
visit of President Mesic to Armenia, an agreement on the avoidance of
double taxation and the prevention of tax evasion regarding taxes on
income and property was signed. We are taking steps aimed at developing
the legal and contractual field which is important for strengthening
the trade and economic relations in order to cooperate in trade
and economic sphere and facilitate the cooperation of businessmen,"
the Armenian president said.

"Given that our countries are proceeding along a European integration
path, as well as the fact that the EU is the main trade and economic
partner of Armenia, I consider our close cooperation in European
structures as necessary. I am convinced that as a result of efficient
cooperation under the agreement on free trade between Armenia and
the European Union, we will achieve a significant growth in trade
turnover," S. Sargsyan said in conclusion.

The president of Croatia in his turn underlined the necessity of
cooperation for improving the situation during the crisis. "We
have come to agree on definite steps, and the active participation
of businessmen in this forum shows their desire to establish new
links. I am sure we can achieve more if we stipulate this desire in
clear programs," S. Mesic said.

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Subject: First Armenian-Croatian business forum held in Zagreb

First Armenian-Croatian business forum held in Zagreb

ZAGREB, SEPTEMBER 9, NOYAN TAPAN. On September 8 – the second day of
his 3-day official visit to Croatia, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan
together with President of Croatia Stjepan Mesic took part in the first
Armenian-Croatian business forum with the participation of about 100
businessmen from both countries. According to the RA presidential press
service, a memorandum on cooperation was signed between the Chamber of
Commerce and Industry of Armenia and the Croatian Economic Chamber.

In his speech S. Sargsyan said that the forum opens a good opportunity
for businessmen of Armenia and Croatia to establish relations and
outline their further cooperation. In his words, holding such forums on
a regular basis will promote trade and economic relations between the
two countries and help establish mutually beneficial cooperation. He
attached importance to the fact that the forum is being held in
conditions of the global crisis which increases the significance of its
possible results.

S. Sargsyan stated that Armenia’s scientific and technological
potential have created prerequisites for the development of its IT
sector, electronics, pharmaceutics, and chemical industry. Armenia also
has serious potential in such sectors as agricultural industry,
construction, light industry, gem and jewelry sector, tourism, and
power engineering. Noting that the information technology sector has
been proclaimed a priority at a state level both in Armenia and
Croatia, S. Sargsyan informed the forum participants that during
negotiations, the opportunities of cooperating with the Croatian branch
of Ericsson with the aim of introdicing an electronic health system had
been discussed.

Speaking about the unused opportunities in the tourism sector, S.
Sargsyan said that the examination of Croatia’s experience and the use
of its possibilities to train specialists in tourism may open new and
wide perspectives for businessmen engaged in this sphere. Besides,
great horizons for bilateral cooperation are opening in the rapidly
developing infrastructure sector of Armenia, within the framework of
the investment projects on construction of North-South Highway, a
railway and the new nuclear power plant.

He reminded that during the Croatian president’s official visit to
Armenia in May, the sides agreed to spare no effort to establish and
develop mutually beneficial links between the two peoples, for which
two precondition exist: to create a legal and contractual field and to
encourage direct contacts between business circles of the two
countries. "As for the first precondition, as you know, during the
visit of President Mesic to Armenia, an agreement on the avoidance of
double taxation and the prevention of tax evasion regarding taxes on
income and property was signed. We are taking steps aimed at developing
the legal and contractual field which is important for strengthening
the trade and economic relations in order to cooperate in trade and
economic sphere and facilitate the cooperation of businessmen," the
Armenian president said.

"Given that our countries are proceeding along a European integration
path, as well as the fact that the EU is the main trade and economic
partner of Armenia, I consider our close cooperation in European
structures as necessary. I am convinced that as a result of efficient
cooperation under the agreement on free trade between Armenia and the
European Union, we will achieve a significant growth in trade
turnover," S. Sargsyan said in conclusion.

The president of Croatia in his turn underlined the necessity of
cooperation for improving the situation during the crisis. "We have
come to agree on definite steps, and the active participation of
businessmen in this forum shows their desire to establish new links. I
am sure we can achieve more if we stipulate this desire in clear
programs," S. Mesic said.