Meeting At The Institute Of National Strategic Research


09. 09.09

On the 8th of September the representatives of the Near East South
Asia Center for Strategic Studies, NDU, USA – former US Ambassador to
Armenia Michael Lemmon, Dr. Roger Kangas, Col, Professor/Sr. Analyst
Anne M. Moisan, accompanied by the US Defense Attache’ in Armenia,
Lieutenant-colonel Robert Webster – as well as the principal of
the Institute for Geological Sciences of the RA National Academy of
Science Doctor of geo-psychological sciences Arkadi Karakhanyan and
the executive director of the "Seismic Defense Northern Service" State
Non-Trade Organization Doctor of geo-psychological sciences, Professor
Sergey Nazaretyan visited the RA MoD Institute of National Strategic
Research. This visit to the Institute was professional-cognitive for
the prestigious specialists in the sphere of strategic security. It
had a goal of expanding the bilateral cooperation.

In the beginning of the visit the Chief of the Institute of National
Strategic Research, Councilor of the RA Minister of Defence, Doctor of
Political Sciences Major-General Hayk Kotanjian organized a mini tour
for the guests, introducing them the structure of the Institute. Then,
in the conference hall, Doctor Kotanjian thoroughly introduced the
process of the development of the national security strategy, the
history of the structure he has created, its=2 0complex of outcomes of
practical use, as well as the Institute’s prospects of development. He
particularly underlined that the Institute, as one of the mental
political-security centers of the region, has stimulated active process
of reforming the National Defence University. The process is phased,
and now the Institute has moved to the second phase of development,
where the questions of the realization of the substructures of the
future university were presented in a form of a project, included the
ones concerning the creation of the National Security School. In this
context Doctor Kotanjian stated the importance of the experience of
his American colleagues as an example. He also stated that the close
cooperation of the recent years with the Centre of International
Security and Defensive Research of "Jan Molin" University of Lion
and with the Russian State Service Academy adjoining to the RF
president continues in the frames of the US National Defence and
Harvard Universities, as well as in the frames of the OSCE Minsk
group. The parties hoped that the full realization of the mentioned
projects will be possible due to the cooperation. The parties also
showed readiness to continue practical-examining discussions.