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4th stage of Ari Tun Program starts

4th stage of Ari Tun Program starts

Ari Tun (Come Home) Program of RA Ministry of Diaspora started on
September 7. About 40 young Diaspora Armenians from Iran, Turkey,
Russia and Georgia (Tbilisi and Batumi) participate in this stage

At the meeting with the participants of the Program’s fourth stage RA
Minister of Diaspora Ms. Hranush Hakobian thanked them for accepting
the invitation of the ministry. In her words, the participants in the
previous stages took great delight in mixing with their peers from
Armenia. She expressed confidence that the participants in the fourth
stage will also become attached to Armenia. "You will continue being
good citizens of the country you live in, but you will always be with
Armenia in your heart," H. Hakobian stated. Emphasizing that the
Ministry of Diaspora is their second home, she assured those present
that the ministry staff is ready to make their dreams come true.
According to the Press and PR Department of the Ministry of Diaspora,
Ms. Hakobian addressed her words of gratitude to the families that have
hosted the young Diaspora Armenians, as well as to Yerevan Municipality
and the heads of administrative districts for their support with the
program’s implementation. She urged the young Diaspora Armenians to
speak Armenian while in Homeland and to become overwhelmed by deep love
for Homeland so that "a feeling of being at home" will accompany them
for ever.

To recap, the first stage of Ari Tun Program began in July 2009. Since
then three groups of young Diaspora Armenians aged 14-25 have
successively stayed with Armenian families in Homeland, each for two

As during the previous three stages, this time too the participants
will take Armenian dance courses, visit museums, picture galleries, and
go sightseeing in Yerevan and Armenian marzes.

Jagharian Tania:
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