"Armenian-Turkish Protocols must be discarded"

"Armenian-Turkish Protocols must be discarded"

05:25 pm | September 11, 2009 | Politics

Orientalist Ara Papian has found scores of preconditions in the
Protocols between Armenia and Turkey.

The diplomat says the fifth provision is enough to discard the whole

It suggests "confirming the mutual recognition of the existing border
between the two countries as defined by the relevant treaties of
international law" and implies that the sides should connect
establishment of diplomatic ties with the mutual recognition of the
existing border

"Obviously, the negotiators have exceeded their liabilities and
violated the president’s instructions. They have stepped a field which
is beyond their competence," Mr. Papian said to A1+.

"Armenia must be consistent and reconfirm its readiness to better
diplomatic ties with Turkey without preconditions and to open common
frontier points," said Mr. Papian.

"Both President Serzh Sargsyan and Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian
have said many times that normalization of relations suggests opening
of the Armenian-Turkish border and establishment of diplomatic ties
between the two countries. Naturally, we have some expectations from
Turkey and therefore we shall seek cooperation. But after we open the
border we shall find our expectations frustrated. But I think it won’t
matter as Armenians are used to disappointments."
