Categories: News

Azerbaijani Discover Historical Truth and Get in Panic


18:00 11/09/2009

Azerbaijani has made an interesting discovery which could bring
serious consequences. Today Azeri mass media spread news reporting
that `the walls of Pompeii near Coliseum, Rome, cover a map where
Azerbaijani territories are presented as Armenian lands.’

Azerbaijani have found out that the poster is pasted since 2006 and
called on `the correspondent forces of Azerbaijan to take serious
measures on this respect.’

But the representatives of the nation not found in the historical maps
of ancient world have not taken the initiative to recover the
`historical injustice’.

It’s fact that the history of ancient times is not covered by the
poster. The map of Roman Empire is painted on the walls of Coliseum
also and yet in the first century it has been recorded on the walls
that the neighbor of Rome is Armenia. This is the historic truth which
makes the Azerbaijani feel nervous and `take correspondent steps’.

In this case the only way is to reconstruct Coliseum. But this is not
a solution either. `Until Coliseum stands, Rome stands, if Coliseum
ruins Rome will ruin and the world also,’ 8th century note on the
walls of Coliseum say. Let’s hope that Azerbaijani will not ruin the
world to falsify their falsehood history.

Talalian Arpi:
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