Gross grapes yield 205-210,000 tons in Armenia in 2009

Gross grapes yield 205-210,000 tons in Armenia in 2009

YEREVAN, September 11. /ARKA/. Gross grapes yield totaled 205-210,000
tons in Armenia in 2009, an increase of 30-35,000 tons as compared with
lat year, Armenian Minister of Agriculture Gerasim Alaverdyan reported.

This year yield is very good; the meeting held with major purchasers
showed that no problems are expected with grapes purchases also in
remote areas, even in Nagorno-Karabakh, Alaverdyan said.

There are about 15-17 major processing enterprises and they are ready
for purchases in terms of both finance and containers, he said.

Purchases are to total 130-140,000 tons, with purchasing price at
120-130 drams per kilogram.

`Let the farmers not worry: the grapes purchase process will go as
smoothly as that for apricots,’ Alaverdyan said.

The Minister also reported that Yerevan Brandy Company, Yerevan
Brandy-Wine-Vodka `Noy’ factory, Proshyan Cognac Factory are expected
to purchase an average of 30,000 tons each. N.V. `0–