If Dashnaktsutyun Is A Force


14:44:55 – 11/09/2009

Is HAK-Dashnaktsutyun cooperation possible in the context of the
Armenian and Turkish relations? The coordinator of the Armenian
National Congress Levon Zurabyan dwelt on this topic in answer to
reporters’ question on September 11.

`We are ready, if the Dashnaktsutyun is ready to reaffirm its being a
political force and not a servant of this regime’, answered Levon

Levon Zurabyan noted that they are ready to collaborate in connection
with the Armenian-Turkish and home issues on restoring the
constitutional order. `We are ready to cooperate on any issue which is
on our political platform composed of 12 points with any political
force which is an ideological-political force, says Levon Zurabyan. He
also notes that the ideological contradiction is not a problem in this
cooperation with the ARF because the Congress’s work of 1, 5 years
showed that ideological differences are not a problem in solving
fundamental issues.
