Categories: News

mil.am Refutation


12.09. 09

Today one of the Armenian newspapers (`Haykakan Jamanak’ /Armenian
Times/, 12.09.2009, N169), referring to `its sources at the NKR Defence
Army’, published, that on the 11th of September, 2009 8-9 Azerbaijani
helicopters have crossed the contact line. Regarding this information
the Press Secretary of the NKR Defence Army Lieutenant-Colonel Senor
Hasratyan informs that the previous day the air-defence sub-units of
the NKR Defence Army have detected a flight of helicopters in the
Azerbaijani side 6-7km away from the contact line. However, this was in
the Azerbaijani territory and the Armenian side did not take any
At the same time we would like to inform, that the NKR air borders are
constantly being guarded by the NKR air-defence sub-units, and any
attempt of border violation will resolutely be halted.

Chmshkian Vicken:
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