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Struggle Did Not End Yet


11:50:40 – 11/09/2009

Interview with the first commander of the NKR self-defense forces
Arkadi Karapetyan

Can the Armenian political field attribute positive aspirations to the
Karabakh conflict or is it exhausted?

If the Armenian society gathers around those people who care about the
nation who passed a long way and have always presented right behavior,
it will help the conflict. A movement should be created in Yerevan the
aim of which will be the unification of Armenia and Artsakh.

How do you imagine the mechanisms of that movement?

In Armenia, tenderhearted behavior lacks because every time people
gather around people who have never had any stances in this
connection. And sometimes they gather around those people who do not
bring the nation anywhere. Let them study the ’88 experience because
the national liberating struggle did not end yet. ’88 year gave birth
to a revolution which formed a country which does not serve the nation
but only itself. Now a new national liberating movement is needed like
the one formed in the beginning of ’88.

Do you see Karabakh’s participation in the formation of such a
movement in Armenia?

Why not? I consider ourselves the 11th region of Armenia. I do not see
any problems here, we will come to help you and if we decide to form
it in Karabakh, you will come to help us.

Dabaghian Diana:
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