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Armen Manassyan Triumphs In Paris

Jean Eckian / Paris

11:20:17 – 14/09/2009

On september 11, Invited by radio AYP FM, under the aegis of the
Ministry of Culture of RA, the young Armenian pianist Armen Manassyan
(21 years old) filled with marvel the public of Paris by his talent
and his charm.

On the occasion of the 140th birthday of the father Gomidas, Armen
Manassyan gave two concerts in cathedral Holy Cross of the Armenians
to Paris.

He played with a great sensitivity several works of Vartabed Gomidas,
Debussy, Liszt and Sayat Nova in front of admirors conquered and
enthusiastic by the playing of his gold fingers. The pianist is for
the classical music that is Tigran Hamasyan for the jazz.

Mystic Curiosity Curiously, its passage at Paris was marked by two
strong symbols. Indeed, when Armen recorded its new CD in a studio of
Paris with works of Gomidas, the piano "Pleyel" on which he played,
was manufactured in 1915… Moreover, the day of the Concert, in Holy
Cross of the Armenians, the priest revealed him, that the piano of
the parish is that on which Gomidas, in person, played in 1912… Two
incredible signs of the destiny which open, under the best auspices,
a certainly masterly career for this young man, pride of the Armenians.

Armen Manassyan is prize winner of several competitions in Armenia,
like the prestigious FLAME in Paris (2004). He also recorded ‘ The
seasons ‘ of Tchaikovski.

Nahapetian Boris:
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