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Minister Edward Nalbandian’s Interview To Xinhua News Agency


Foreign Ministry of Armenia
Sept 15 2009

Brief introduction to your visit to China, the agenda and your goal?

First of all I would like to thank my Chinese colleague, Minister Yang
Jiechi for his kind invitation to visit this great country. Today I
had a privilege to be received by Vice-president Xi Jinping, whom I
conveyed the congratulatory message of the Armenian President Serzh
Sargsyan to President Hu Jintao on the occasion of 60th anniversary of
the People’s Republic of China. Taking this opportunity I would like
to congratulate Chinese people on this remarkable date. During such
a short period, specially taking into consideration five thousand
years history of Great Chinese civilisation, which gave so much to
the mankind in science, culture and human wisdom, during last 60
years China reached significant achievements and huge progress in
its development.

Today we had substantial and very productive discussions with Foreign
Minister Yang Jiechi on wide range of issues of bilateral agenda and
perspectives of Armenian-Chinese cooperation in different fields.

The agenda of my visit includes political, economic and cultural
dimensions. During the negotiations in Beijing I had a chance to
discuss ways to further strengthen and deepen cooperation in bilateral
format and multilateral frameworks. Further intensification of our
political dialogue, exchange of high-level visits, cooperation in
international organizations, different economic projects in such
fields as energy, mining, chemical industry, agriculture, as well
as cultural exchanges, cooperation in science, education and other
issues were in the agenda of our negotiations.

During the visit, Memorandum on 20 mln yuans Chinese technical
assistance to Armenia was signed in the Ministry of Commerce. We
are grateful to China for its permanent support to our development

Yesterday I had the privilege to be guest speaker at the China
Institute of International Studies, where a thorough discussion on
Armenia’s Foreign Policy took place. Tomorrow I’ll be in Shanghai,
where a meeting is scheduled with the Organizers of Shanghai Expo –
2010, in which Armenia intensively prepares to participate.

– Can you comment on Armenian – Chinese relations?

The first records about Armenian presence in China date to second
century. In the times of Great Silk Road, which passed through
Armenia, Armenian merchants were playing active role in bridging East
and West. The old Manuscripts presented in Matenadaran – Armenian
Manuscripts Museum are the witnessing this witnesses

The new era of our relationship started, when Armenia became
independent in 1991 and China was among the first countries that
recognized Armenia’s independence and among the first ones to open
Embassy in Armenia. We are proud of our enduring and time-tested
friendship. We maintain a high-level political dialogue on the level
of highest leadership. On international scene Armenia and China have
similar or close positions Armenia and China have active interaction
within international organizations. Cooperation between the parliaments
is also on the rise.

There is a solid legal base for bilateral relations, we have signed
about 40 agreements between our countries.

We implement different joint economic projects. Chinese companies
participate in modernization and reconstruction of Armenian energy
sector, they are present in mining, particularly copper-molybdenum
extraction. In Chinese Shancy region, we joined our efforts to build
the chloropren rubber producing plant and this fall the construction
will be completed.

The absence of direct flight between Armenia and China has certain
negative impact on economic relations and I am glad that Armenia’s
National Air carrier Armavia has an intention to establish a direct
air connection with China.

The Intergovernmental commission has to play a major role in
intensification of economic relations and its 6th session to be held
in December must focus its activities on these issues.

We cooperate on the number of other fields from education and science
to IT, healthcare and sport. Cultural exchanges between us are
intensifying, in November Armenia will host Chinese cultural days,
and we are planning to organize Armenian cultural days in China.

Last year Confucius Institute, the first and only one in the region,
launched its activities in Armenia and we witness the rising interest
in Chinese language and culture in our country.

Armenia is very interested in comprehensive development of friendly
relationship with China in all possible fields as our leadership stated
in number of Joint Communiqus. The sustainable high-level political
dialogue, development of legal framework and promotion of people to
people contacts will further cement our mutually beneficial relations.

Torosian Aram:
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