A. Harutyunyan The September 16 Will Join Three Processes


Sept 16 2009

On September 16, in 1987 was signed the protocol of Montreal on
"Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer". Later in 1998 the General
Assembly of the UNO announced the 16th of September the International
Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.

Today on the occasion of the International Day for the Preservation of
the Ozone Layer Aram Harutyunyan the Minister of Nature Protection had
a meeting with the students and pupils of the Yerevan Academy of Arts.

"September 16 will comprise 3 processes. The first is – which is
the situation we are in? The second is – what are the main issues,
which the solutions are and which is our participation in those
processes. And the third is – which will be the results we will get
from the processes realized in the world", – said Aram Harutyunyan.

The minister informed the students that the Ministry of Nature
Protection is not apart from any international processes which are
directed to the preservation of the Ozone Layer.

The preservation of the Ozone Layer is the main issue in which are
involved big and small states.

"Today the scientists work over getting substances that will be used
instead of the substances which harm the Ozone Layer", – said the
Minister of the Nature Protection.

The Minister of the nature protection also informed that today the
students of Yerevan Art Academy will draw on the walls of Bread Factory
N4 of Nor Nork and "Taron" art center of Malatia – Sebastia with the
substances that are not harmful for the Ozone Layer.

Today the problem of the Ozone Layer has become too big problem for
humanity, and Aram Harutyunayan first of all attached importance to
the role of the media in this issue.

"It is really important that the representatives of the media raised
this problem and have there input in this so important issue that
concerns the whole planet."