Heritage Party Expects Armenian PM’s Written Reply


Sept 16 2009

Today, Armen Martirosian and Stepan Safarian on behalf of the
Heritage Party and its parliamentary faction, sent a letter to the
Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Tigran Sargsyan.

The letter reads:

"On behalf of the Heritage Party and the parliamentary faction of the
same name, we appeal to you to implement your duty and your right
as prescribed by the Republic of Armenia Constitution and The Law
On Referendum of the Republic of Armenia; that is, to initiate and
organize within the following month a referendum with the purpose
of revealing the public opinion on the agreed-upon and presigned
documents and to include a question relating to confidence in the
Republic of Armenia president, who is responsible for the country’s
foreign policy."

The Heritage Party also advised that the letter addressed to Prime
Minister Tigran Sargsyan is an official letter, which, as prescribed
by Clause B, Article 7 of the National Assembly Law Regulations,
demands a written answer within ten days.