March 1 Commission Says Kocharian Was Too Late

Sept 16 2009

Today the Commission for the Investigation of March 1st Events
presented the conclusion of their investigations, and referred to
Robert Kocharian’s decree to announce a state of emergency during
the events of March 1, 2008.

It’s notable that on one side the Commission justified the the second
president of Armenia’s decree, but on the other side, it accused him,
stating the issuance of the decree was belated.

"The president’s decree ‘to announce a state of emergency’ was not a
solution to the situation, but a compulsory measure. But it was also
a necessary step and the only way out of the situation. To delay that
measure would mean to allow part of our nation, on behalf of a group
of people, to continue illegal actions in our country, in Yerevan,
in particular," the Commission wrote in its report.

Later, at the end of the conclusion, the Commission accused Kocharian:
"At the same time, the Commission finds that if the president issued
the decree ‘announcing a state of emergency’ earlier, when the first
explosions, firings and deaths occurred, probably it would have been
possible to escape the grave consequences."