NKR: Atlas Of The Nagorno Karabakh Republic Published


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2009-09-15 17:36
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic

In 2007-2009, on the order of the State Committee of Real Estate
Cadastre under the NKR Government, the Geodesy and Cartography Center
of the State Committee of Real Estate Cadastre under the RA Government
compiled the NKR Atlas and prepared it for publication in the Armenian
and Russian languages.

The atlas has been recently published at the Tigran Mets publishing
office in Yerevan.

The atlas offers full historical-geographical notion of the Nagorno
Karabakh Republic. About 70 medium- and large-scale maps, texts, and
schemes comprised in the atlas introduce comprehensive information
about the formation, geographical situation, natural conditions and
resources, population, economy and culture of NKR. The atlas also
includes the geopolitical and military-political events, which played
a critical role in the historical development of the Artsakh Armenians.

The atlas is issued in 1.500 copies. Candidate of Technical Sciences
Manuk Vardanian is the chairman of the editorial commission and chief
editor of the atlas.