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Orange Armenia Strives To Be Innovative Mobile Operator In Armenia


Sept 16 2009

By the end of this year, Armenia’s third mobile operator, Orange
Armenia, plans to enter the mobile market. All in all, the company
plans to offer cell phone services and protective covers in the area
of 80 million USD — and that’s just this year.

In experts’ opinions, a third mobile operator entering the market will
bring about structural changes. In a briefing with local newspaper
Capital, Orange Armenia CEO Bruno Duthoit offered certain details
about their initial steps.

Capital: Mr. Duthoit, the mobile market is pretty saturated in
Armenia. What new products will Orange Armenia offer in this market,
and what will be your competitive edge?

Duthoit: The permeability of the Armenian mobile market is around 75%,
but that is not considered a final and impermeable figure. The level of
permeability of the mobile services market in Europe is larger, but new
operators are able to enter the market and carry out their activities.

As for having a competitive edge, we will have new approaches to
customer service, while respectfully regarding our competition. Orange
Armenia wishes to be the innovative mobile operator in Armenia. In
that regard, France Telecom’s strength and power will assist us.

In different countries, France Telecom has research centres which
concern themselves with technological development. We will strive
to find and suggest such solutions in the market which will satisfy
the needs of every customer. Perhaps they don’t wish to take about
technical solutions. Let me simply note that customers will see the
innovation in services.

Capital: In your opinion, how are the other two mobile operators in
Armenia preparing for your entry into the market?

Duthoit: We see that they are taking active steps to improve services,
as well as opening new customer service centres.

Capital: Mobile operators currently in the market already have
specific positions. Is it possible that Orange Armenia will have a
"dumping policy"?

Duthoit: We don’t plan to enter into a bidding war with the other two
operators. We will offer reasonable prices to customers, but we will
not unreasonably lower prices in order to compete in the market.

Vanyan Gary:
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