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V. Khachatryan. Ask Raffi Hovhannisyan


Sept 16 2009

The NA deputy Vardan Khachatryan today met the journalists and
mentioned that he has already commented on the fact of their quitting
the "Heritage" party and advised to stay apart from asking for any
explanations from Raffi Hovhannisyan.

He confessed that the decision of leaving the party was a surprise
for him and he had learnt about it from media.

By the request of the journalists Khachatryan returned also to the
letter of Raffi Hohannisyan and said that he has read it and just,
and he can’t remember what exactly there was written there.

"I wouldn’t like to comment on this instead of Raffi Hohannisyan. The
letter has been directed to us but what he meant by that letter ask
him. Everyone could say how he would behave himself in this or that
situation. That was Raffi Hohannisyan’s decision as a political
leader", – Vardan Khachatryan mentioned stressing that inside the
party however there was a transformation.

The fact that the "Heritage" party will be transformed too the
speaker didn’t have doubts, but how that transformation will be like
he couldn’t answer.

Khachatryan added also that he doesn’t accept extreme points of view
but according to him when once the justice is disturbed the inner
life of the party is being influenced by that.

"There have been pressures but they could not have radical
influence. There are external pressures, there are also internal
problems, may be it is the result of the confrontation of the both that
these all happened, but I can’t say any concrete thing", – he said.

The deputy also reminded that not the wishes of each one is appreciated
but the deeds and mentioned that the appreciation corresponds to
the deeds.

"It was an improvident step. The party having honest reputation is
destroyed. It is a serious mistake. As for the letter I can only
say that I have got the impression that Raffi Hovhannisyan is saying
farewell to his life", – said V. Khachatryan.

And at the end the speaker said that he will be only happy seeing
good results and works in the careers of the former party members.

Nalbandian Albert:
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