ANC: Report Of Ad-Hoc Commission For March 1-2, 2008 Is A Unique Ver


2009-09-18 11:42:00

ArmInfo. Neglecting the requirements and calls of PACE resolutions
and other authoritative international structures, a principle of
assuring an absolute majority of the power representatives, and not
a principle of assuring a balance of forces was initially laid as a
basis of formation of an Ad-Hoc Commission for March 1-2, 2008, events
in Yerevan, the statement by the Armenian National Congress says.

According to the statement, based on the Commission’s biased
activity during the first several months of work, at request of
the international structures, a fact collection expert group was
created in parallel, with an equal number of the power and opposition
representatives. , the statement says.

In view of the publicized final report of the Ad-Hoc Commission for
March 1-2, 2008, Armenian National Congress thinks that the people,
who prepared the report, deliberately put off the actual data and
the most important results of the group’s half- yearly work.

Second, the parliamentary commission deliberately failed the tasks
set, namely, clarification of the circumstances of the people death
on March 1, revelation of unlawful acts and other crimes, as generated
a statement full of vulgar morals and political estimations.

Third, this report was actually prepared in the administration of
the president, Prosecutor General’s Office and Special Investigation
Service and presented to the parliamentary commission which accepted
it with rough violations of its regulations.

Fourth, the commission, in the person of representatives of the
political forces, who signed the report, fulfilled the order it was
given and became guilty of concealing the gravest crimes.

Fifth, the report is a unique verdict for Serzh Sargsyan as one of the
main organizers of March 1 events. The report is an evidence of the
fact that slaughter of the peaceful citizens, thousands of unlawful
acts and cases of use of force were carried out for one purpose –
retention of the illegal power. The congress says it will continue its
work on revelation of the reality and its presentation to the public.