Will Opening Of Border With Turkey Tear Armenia From Russia?


18.09.2009 12:07 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian-Turkish talks have been hold for a long
time and it’s not ruled out that the power of Turkish diplomacy and
process initiators have been underestimated, according to Andrey
Areshev, deputy director of Russian strategic culture foundation.

"The tension at the Armenian-Georgian border which as if emerged
from nowhere is not accidental. As all know, contingency is a rare
phenomenon in politics," he said.

"Opening of the Armenian-Turkish border will have both positive and
negative consequences. Some western experts believe that this move
will tear Armenia from Russia. They also link the reconciliation
process to resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, to be more
precise surrender of territories connecting Armenia and Nagorno
Karabakh Republic," he said.

Areshev supposes that with development of an unfavorable scenario,
Armenia and Karabakh may face serious problems in the region. "This
will be harmful for Russia, Iran, China, Arab and Central Asian
countries as well," he said.

"Possible replacements in Russian chairmanship in the OSCE Minsk
Group can attach positive dynamics to the Karabakh process. At that,
Armenia and Russia will not drift apart. Both countries face similar
challenges and should combat them together," Areshev concluded.