BAKU: Turkish-Armenia border may open if parties fulfill obligations

Trend, Azerbaijan
Sept 18 2009

Turkish-Armenian border may open if parties fulfill their obligations:
Turkish FM

"In case the parties fulfill their obligations, we can hope for
opening the Turkish-Armenian border", Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet
Davudoglu, said in an interview with Turkish CNN Turk TV channel.

"If the parties fulfill commitments, not only the Turkish-Armenian
border will open, but other problems in the region will be solved,"
Davudoglu said.

The minister added that along with the normalization of the
Turkish-Armenian relations, the Armenian-Azerbaijani relations are
close to the normalization, too.

Duration of the Turkish-Armenian relations depends on processes in the
region, the minister said noting that one of Ankara’s main objectives
is to achieve peace in the Caucasus.

"I am confident that peace will be achieved in the region soon,"
Davudoglu said.