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Iran president to take religious minority MPs to UN General Assembly

Press TV , Iran
Sept 18 2009

Iranian president to take religious minority MPs to UN General Assembly

18 September: In his upcoming appearance at the UN General Assembly,
Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinezhad is taking along the
parliamentary representatives of religious minorities.

Under Iran’s Constitution, recognized religious minorities have the
right to elect representatives of their own, while they can vote for
Muslim candidates as well.

The Parleman News website, belonging to the minority faction of the
Majlis (parliament), reported on Friday [18 September] that Jewish
lawmaker Siamak Moreh-Sedeq, Armenian-Christian lawmakers Robert
Biglerian and Giork Vartan, Assyrian and Chaldean Christian Yonatan
Bet-Kolia and Zoroastrian Esfandyar Ekhtyari will fly out to New York
with the president on 21 September.

In the past, Ahmadinezhad was accompanied by only one of the five
minority deputies.

As President Ahmadinezhad prepares to address the annual session of
the UN General Assembly during his visit to New York, the schedules of
the lawmakers have not been disclosed.

Hovhannisian John:
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