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U.S. does damnedest to settle Karabakh conflict

Information-Analytic Agency NEWS.am, Armenia
Sept 19 2009

U.S. does damnedest to settle Karabakh conflict

11:32 / 09/19/2009

U.S. President and Secretary of State intend do their utmost to settle
Karabakh conflict to enable Azerbaijan and Armenia co-exist
peacefully, U.S. Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs William
Burns stated at the Georgetown University discussion. According to
him, that is the occasion to the appointment of Robert Bradtke as
U.S. OSCE Co-Chair.

`We hope the progress in Armenian-Azerbaijani Presidents’ talks will
allow achieving weighty results at the October meeting,’ Burns
outlined. Undersecretary also commented on the Armenian-Turkish
reconciliation, stating it will ensure further economic development of
the region.

Kamalian Hagop:
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