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Armenia Celebrates The Independence Day


21.09.2009 11:14 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Today, Armenia celebrates 18th anniversary of
independence declaration. Traditionally, RA political parties and
communities representatives visited Yerablur Pantheon to lay wreaths
at the memorial of Karabakh war victims.

The anniversary will be marked by celebratory events, concerts and
exhibitions to be completed by fireworks at Republic Square.

Declaration of Independence was adopted by Supreme Council of the
Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic on August 23, 1990. The Armenian SSR
was renamed the Republic of Armenia- a self-governing state, endowed
with the supremacy of state authority, independence, sovereignty,
and plenipotentiary power.

By the decree of RA Supreme Council, on September 21, 1991, the
population of Armenia participated in the Referendum on Independence,
voting almost unanimously (94,99%) in favor of having a free,
independent, and sovereign State.

On September 23, 1991, having the full support of the people, the
Supreme Council officially declared the Republic of Armenia as an
Independent State.

Vardanian Garo:
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