Armenia-EU Cooperation Committee Tenth Meeting In Yerevan

22.09.2009 18:09

Armenia-EU Cooperation Committee tenth meeting was held in Yerevan

The Tenth Cooperation Committee meeting was chaired by the Minister of
the Economy of RA, Mr. Nerses Yeritsyan, from the Armenian side and
from the EU side by Mr. Gunnar Wiegand, Director for East Europe, DG
RELEX, Ms. Ewa Synowiec, Director for bilateral relations with Europe
(non EU) and Central Asia, DG Trade of the European Commission,
and Mr. Johan Frisell, the Director of Eastern Europe Division of
the Swedish Foreign Ministry, representing the EU Presidency.

During the meeting both sides held discussions on the implementation of
the RA-EU European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan, issues connected
with enhancing of RA-EU relations within the framework of the Eastern
Partnership, including prospects for the establishment of a deep
and comprehensive free trade area. The agenda included also issues
related to rule of law, democracy and governance, human rights and
fundamental freedoms, the resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict,
Armenian-Turkish relations, EU assistance and cooperation, including
regional cooperation, and additional points on cooperation with the
EU Advisory Group.