Erdogan In New York


Information-Analytic Agency
Sept 22 2009

September 21, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived
in New York to participate in the UN General Assembly Session and
G-20 Summit. The Premier met with U.S. Jewish organizations’
representatives, including Abraham Foxman, the President
of Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Turkish Anadolu news agency
reports. During the meeting Erdogan made a point of OSCE Minsk Group
assistance in Armenia-Turkey relations’ normalization and called OSCE
MG to further efforts in the process. In the course of the series
meetings Israeli-Turkish relations were also discussed.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu met with EU Presiding
Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt and the upcoming EU President,
Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos.

The Turkish Delegation also consisted of the State Minister Ali
Babacan, Egemen Bagis, State Minister and EU chief negotiator as well
as Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek. recalls in 2007 Anti-Defamation League recognized the World
War I events as Armenian Genocide having American Jewish Committee
(AJC) joining them on August 22, 2007. However, AJC stated they would
not support Armenian Genocide bill submitted in U.S. Congress as it
would not contribute to Armenian-Turkish reconciliation.