Categories: News

Four Gravity System Construction Contract Signed


22.09.2009 15:47

On September 22, 2009 the Millennium Challenge Armenia (MCA-Armenia)
SNCO signed a contract with Arpa-Sevan Open Joint Stock Company
(Armenia) to perform construction works on the Aygezard, Shenik,
Mantash and Vardenis gravity systems. The contract was signed by Ara
Hovsepyan, MCA-Armenia CEO and Paruir Hakobyan, Director of Arpa-Sevan.

Present at the signing ceremony was the RA Deputy Prime-Minister,
Minister of Territorial Administration Armen Gevorgyan. Mr. Gevorgyan
is also member of MCA-Armenia’s Governing Council.

The contract price is 5, 512, 827.12 US dollars and the term of the
contract is 20 months.

More than 61, 000 farmers in 23 communities of Ararat, Armavir,
Gegharkunik and Shirak marzes will benefit from the construction of
these gravity systems.

Construction of the four gravity schemes is one of the key components
of MCA-Armenia Irrigation Infrastructure Activity, under which
MCA-Armenia will conduct rehabilitation works on 6 main canals,
renovate 17 pumping stations, help the farmers in more than 70
communities to upgrade their tertiary irrigation systems, and make
improvements to the Ararat valley drainage system.

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