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Azerbaijan:Acute Paranoia Occurs


Sept 23 2009

Yeni Cag agency posted an article titled "The secret Armenians
issue in Azerbaijan" which appeared after journalist investigation,
reports Panorama.am.

"Great Heydar Aliyev himself spoke about 30 thousand of Armenians
living in Baku. If given their born-children it can be argued that
the number of Armenians is more than 100 thousand nowadays, herewith
many of them work at government and on very high positions. So we set
out to find out where "secret Armenians" work and which directions
of Azerbaijani management they hold.

According to our trustworthy sources, in Azerbaijan’s government work
quite a lot senior officials with Armenian roots. In fact everywhere
but Ministry of National Security one can find out people whose blood
is Armenian and this is a very serious threat for our country as we
think. Milli Mejlis’s 12 MPs are Armenians, and if we consider those
whose wives are Armenians then their number will increase three times,"
Azerbaijanis alarm.

Unable or unwilling to understand the true causes of their own
country’s problems, the Azerbaijani media are trying to shift
responsibility to their citizens, while there is a sense to go through
corrupt and authoritarian government of Azerbaijan.

"You ask what for to investigate and find out anything? Today in
Azerbaijan such things happen and the authority’s reaction on them
is so incomprehensible that we unwittingly think whether Armenians’
are involved."

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Another example of paranoia is withdrawal of motto "One nation –
two states" in relation to Turkey and Azerbaijan. "Fraternal" Turkey
or rather its credibility is jaundiced by current leadership of
Azerbaijan. Thus, Ilham Aliyev made broadcasters to translate Turkish
movies into Azeri. Moreover he didn’t visit Turkish soldier grave in
Baku neither at 90th nor the 91st anniversary of city’s liberation
by Turkish troops and there wasn’t a single wreath from government.

The list can be continued for a long time, however, Azerbaijani media
prefer to continue "witch hunt" searching for Armenian trace.

Nahapetian Lilit:
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