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EU To Open Information Centre In Armenia


24.09.2009 00:16 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On September 22, NSC Secretary Arthur Baghdasaryan
received a delegation headed by Gunnar Vigand, Head of Eurocommission’s
Department on Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia.

Discussion focused on issues concerning "Armenia-EU" action plan
within the frames of European Neighborhood Policy, as well as
cooperation within European Neighborhood project. Parties stressed
the importance of accelerating the process of opening EU information
centers in Armenia.

Upon the initiative of Arthur Baghdasaryan, they also discussed
possibilities of simplifying visa regime with EU member states. Gunnar
Vigand expressed willingness to assist in the process.

Touching upon the newly created working group headed by Deputy Foreign
Minister Karine Kazinyan, Mr. Baghdasaryan said that the new body
might, upon necessity, engage in elaboration of relevant documents.

Parties also touched upon Karabakh conflict settlement and
Armenian-Turkish normalization. Gunnar Vigand and Swedish Foreign
Ministry’s Eastern Europe Department Head Johan Friezel expressed
support for the latter process, NSC press service reports.

Varosian Antranik:
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