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"Artsakh and Armenia unite"

"Artsakh and Armenia unite"

06:28 pm | September 25, 2009 | Politics

Today afternoon, RA police chained the entrances of the U.S., French
and Russian Embassies.

The Miatsum (Unification) Initiative today staged another protest
action in front of the embassies against Armenian-Turkish relations
and Armenian leadership.

The protesters handed letters to the three countries chairing the OSCE
Minsk Group.

In the letter entitled "To OSCE Minsk Group’s Co-Chair countries for
perpetrating new genocide against the Armenian people," Miatsum states
that the Madrid Principles are incompliant with the survival of
Armenian statehood.

With their approval of Armenian-Turkish Protocols and Madrid
Principles, Presidents Barack Obama, Dmitri Medvedev and Nikola
Sarkozy aim to incite new genocide against Armenians and thwart
Armenia’s statehood.

Miatsum’s member Tigran Khzmalian told A1+ that the letter is an
appeal to the embassies and Armenian people.

"We shall awaken this country. All their secret plans backed by Serzh
Sargsyan will finally fail. The RA President mustn’t yields to foreign
pressure, he must obey his people," says Tigran Khzmalian.

The protesters marched from the Statue of Myasnikian to the embassies
chanting: "Artsakh and Armenia unite."

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