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Garen Yegparian on Sep 25th

Perhaps my title was inspired by the successful Armenians and
Progressive Politics. This year’s theme was Capitalism. Participants
were treated to various analyses, informational presentations, moving
visuals of poverty in Armenia, and hopeful avenues for action. But of
course, there’s not much of a better term to describe what we’ve seen
of Capitalism, particularly over the past quarter century.

Not only did Reagan’s election lead to the implementation of
horrendous policies in the U.S., but the ground he thus prepared led
to the overwhelming immiseration of the former Soviet Republics and
much of Eastern Europe. `Brilliant advisors’ paved the way for the
crony Capitalism that emerged and led to the enrichment of preexisting
elites. It was nothing short of banditry.

It seems to me the same spirit permeates the current regime in Armenia
as it prepares to `give away the farm’ to Turkey through
`football/soccer’ diplomacy and the Protocols of September.

Imagine, Vartan Oskanian, the fairly low key, soft spoken former, and
longest serving, Foreign Minister of Armenia is formally, publicly,
calling on the government to NOT sign the protocols, at least not
without major changes. He too points out the preconditions Turkey has
managed to work into them. These are the same preconditions – no
territorial demands, no Genocide recognition, give Azerbaijan what it
wants in Artzakh – that successive Armenian governments have rightly
rejected. In fact, weakness on this front helped bring down the Levon
Der Bedrossian regime.

Add to this a very interesting piece written by Ara Papian titled
`Armenia and Turkey Are Not Authorized `to Define’ the Border’. He
argues that because of how the post WWI borders were set, based on
international law, Armenia and Turkey do not have the standing to
change the borders established by Woodrow Wilson. So even on this
front, both countries are out of line.

I am outraged, incensed, furious, and countless other such sentiments.
I want to really blast these guys. Let’s keep up the heat. Maybe
threats of terminating Diaspora support, not just financial, but
political. We’ve started. The AYF organized a protest last weekend
at Armenia’s U.N. Mission. There are more actions planned. Internet
petitions and Facebook communications abound.

But wouldn’t it be great if we could deliver the message directly to
the rotten fish head? I wish that the President of the Republic of
Armenia would come to NY for the annual hoopla as the U.N. kicks off
its year. Many heads of state attend this meeting every year. Then,
it would be a dream come true to embarrass him and harass him at every

Let the jeering beginning. It supports and strengthens the weighty
analysis. It’s a good cop- bad cop game. Let’s turn up the heat.
Armenians’ national future depends on us doing so. Get off your couch
and grab a picket sign, there’s some hootin’ and hollerin’ to be done.

Maghakian Mike:
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