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Director general of Ararat YBC: 2009 production reduces by 39%

Director general of Ararat Yerevan Brandy Company: Brandy production in
2009 reduces by 39 %

2009-09-25 16:24:00

ArmInfo. Brandy production at Ararat Brandy Company in 2009 reduced by
39%, and by 55 % in Armenia in general, YBC Director General Ara
Grigoryan told journalists today.

According to him, reduction of brandy production was caused by the
global financial crisis. When asked about purchase of grapes in 2009,
he said the Company started purchasing the grapes from September 16,
and it intends to purchase total of 32,000 tons of grapes at 120-130
drams per kilogram. Speaking about the grape suppliers’ complaints
concerning the low price for grapes, A. Grigoryan emphasized that there
are different kinds of brandy available, and all of them differ in
price, so one should not consider the indicated price as standard. , A.
Grigoryan said. He added that the salary of employees increased this
year by 3,5-7%.

Vardanian Garo:
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