Four cars collided

Four cars collided
06:46 pm | September 24, 2009 | society


A huge car accident took place at the Rubinyants and Tsarav Aghbyur
intersection on September 24 at around 9 a.m. in Yerevan.

According to the police press release, the "MAZ 504" car belonging to
Rubik P. collided with the "Mercedes Benz", after which the
"GAZ-322132-220" car hit the #38 microbus, which hit the "Opel Astra"

As a result of the accident, "Opel Astra" driver Aram A and six
passengers in the "GAZ-322132-220" microbus received physical injuries
and were transferred to the "St. Grigor the Illuminator" clinic.

The microbus driver and one passenger were sent home after receiving
first aid.

As doctors told "A1+", the injured are in normal condition. The
investigation is underway at the investigative department of the
Yerevan city police division.