Will ARF change its demand?

Will ARF change its demand?
08:25 pm | September 24, 2009 | society


The ARF has been holding a hunger strike at Republic Square for the
past nine days against the Turkish-Armenian protocols. "A1+" asked its
readers to rate the ARF’s protest: 11.7% were for and 20.5% were

15.1% said that it was too late, 1.7% said that they would join the
protest, 3.1% had no answer. The majority of the people who were
surveyed (47.9%) said that the ARF must demand the resignation of
Serzh Sargsyan and not the Foreign Minister. A total of 762 people
participated in the survey.

This week we ask you to answer the following question:

Will the RA National Assembly ratify the two protocols? We look
forward to receiving your answers.
