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Two new buildings opened in YSLU after Bryusov

Two new buildings opened in YSLU after Bryusov
26.09.2009 18:23 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On September 26, the European International Day of
Languages opening ceremony of new buildings of the Yerevan State
Linguistic University after Bryusov was held.

The event was attended by the RA prime minister Tigran Sargsyan, who
congratulated the students.

"The contacts between nations are becoming more and more intense. The
modern world is inconceivable without the knowledge of foreign
languages, " the prime minister said.

According to the rector of the Yerevan State Linguistic University
Suren Zolyan, "The European International Day of Languages is an
important event in globalization times, and YSLU, the cradle of
language teaching in Armenia, attaches importance to celebrating that
day ".

The construction woks lasted 2.5 years and costed AMD 550 million. The
library, archive, computer lab, hall-museums, Confucius Institute and
a small hotel for foreign lecturers will be located in the new

Zaminian Bedik:
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