Categories: News

Whether The Fining Is A Solution – Is Another Matter


September 28

Unscrupulous pedestrians will incur a fine of 3 thousand drams
since October, 1. According to Traffic Police chief Colonel Marqar
Oganyan’s recent reports violators will first be warned and then
will be picked up at the police for identification. After paying,
violator can free go.

The higgledy-piggledy road-crossing is a usual thing in our
country. Neither pedestrians, nor the drivers care for the traffic

Armenia’s Traffic Police has initiated this action to facilitate
the traffic. Note that Yerevan’s situation on roads is not fault of
only unscrupulous pedestrians. We can talk continuously about taxi’s
close parking to bus-stops, "elite"-cars’ permissiveness as well as
mere-cars’, etc.

So issue of traffic will not be resolved through fining the
pedestrians. Additionally, there are spoiled stoplights in the city;
crosswalks are not everywhere, few underground passages. It’s worth
mentioning that any job demands a sequence.

Whether burgess is ready for being disciplined or not, studied Aysor’s

"Well, so far, I run across the streets helter-skelter, but I’ll
cross the road only at walkcrosses since October, 1," a young man said.

"They should have done this long ago. I told my four-years-old
grandchild to wait until green lights. How people will receive this
innovation time will," Sargis S. said.

"It’s time to innovate. I am a driver and don’t like when people
violate traffic rules as well as when the drivers do. It’s worth
mentioning, that many Yerevan’s lights are broken and authorities
should pay attention to this problem," Mrs. Stella said.

Recall that in Soviet times tragic rules were thought since
kindergarten-age. Some light’s "skeletons" are still remaining in
kindergartens’ patio. Who teaches children to cross the street ourdays?

Nahapetian Boris:
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