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NKR President Met His Holiness Garegin II


29.09.2009 13:50

On 28 September President of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic Bako
Sahakyan met with His Holiness Garegin II, Supreme Patriarch and
Catholicos of All Armenians who arrived in Artsakh to participate in
solemn celebrations dedicated to the 20th anniversary of reopening
of the Artsakh Diocese of the Holy Universal Apostolic Orthodox
Armenian Church.

A wide range of issues related to the relations between the state
and the church, the socio-economic situation in Artsakh, and the
settlement of the Karabagh conflict were discussed at the meeting.

The Head of the State attached importance to the visit of the Supreme
Patriarch to Artsakh, noting that it would duly contribute to the
development of spiritual life in our republic.

The interlocutors emphasized the importance of the steady deepening of
state-church interrelations and implementation of important religious
events in Artsakh.

Touching upon the settlement of the Karabakh conflict, Bako Sahakyan
noted that official Stepanakert is a proponent of peaceful settlement
and the restoration of the full-fledged negotiation format. The
President again underlined that independence and security of Artsakh
cannot be matters of discussions.

Kanayan Tamar:
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