President Sargsyan Congratulates Chancellor Merkel On Victory

29.09.2009 15:38

President Serzh Sargsyan sent a congratulatory message to the
Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, on the occasion of the victory of
the Christian Democrats in the parliamentary elections in Germany. The
message reads:

"Dear Mrs. Merkel,

On behalf of the Armenian people and myself I congratulate you on the
occasion of the victory of the party headed by you in the elections
to the Bunderstag of the Federal Republic of Germany.

I’m confident that the government formed as a result of your decisive
victory will contribute to the further prosperity of Germany, the
reinforcement and development of peace in Europe, as well as the
expansion and deepening of the Armenian-German relations.

I want to avail myself of the opportunity to wish you good luck and
happiness to the friendly people of Germany. In accordance with the
agreements reached during our meting in Munich, I invite you to visit
Armenia any time convenient to you."