Rostov Gets Ready For Sargsyan’s Visit

17:47 / 09/29/2009

Armenian community of Russia will meet the RA President conducting
signatures collection against Armenia-Turkey Protocols. The list
of participants at Rostov meeting with Serzh Sargsyan October 7
is compiled, the Yerkramas daily Chief Editor Tigran Tavadyan told

Serzh Sargsyan went on a Pan-Armenian tour over 5 large cities aimed
to learn Diaspora stance on Armenia-Turkey Protocols.

"Definitely, the Protocols arouse concern. The signatures collection
campaign against the Protocols is being conducted. We are as concerned,
as the entire Diaspora," Tavadyan underlined.

Commenting on the rumors, namely that Protocols’ opponents will allow
participating in the meeting with Sargsyan, the Chief Editor said:
"I was invited to the meeting, but I am against the Protocols. So far,
this is the case. I do not know, whether something changes by October
7, but I think hardly. I am unaware of the other details."

According to him, there are many people among the participants, that
are ignorant of the Protocols’ content. "People not participating in
community’s events are invited," Tavadyan pointed out. He considers
there will be no protest actions in Rostov-on-Don, but the results
of signature campaign will be handed to the President."