Announcement by 3 Political Parties on President Sarksian’s Visit To


ement-by-3-political-parties-on-president-sarksian %e2%80%99s-visit-to-los-angeles/
Sep 30, 2009

We find the visit by Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian to important
Diaspora communities to consult on the already agreed upon protocols
on the establishment and development of relations between Armenia
and Turkey to be late and moot.

It is unfortunate that because of his foreign policy and defeatists
approaches to our national issues, the president wasted a great
opportunity to elevate Armenia-Diaspora cooperation and strengthen
our national unity.

The president’s plan could have been welcomed if it were prior to
already approving the aforementioned protocols, which are fateful and
important for our nation, and not after having already made a decision.

This completely changes the nature of the visit, making it a publicity
stunt, which is severely insulting to all Armenians.

Nevertheless, in the name of our martyrs and our history we are
obligated to accept an invitation for a consultative meeting between
the president and community organizations, which will take place prior
to a gala. We will utilize this opportunity to directly convey to the
president the basis for our unequivocal opposition to the protocols.

We cannot hide the fact that we have been insulted as a result of the
president’s incomprehensible haste to sign these harmful documents,
and on the eve of a sad chapter in our people’s history, we cannot
take part in any gala honoring the president. This event will only
bolster the disregard to our history, the memory of our martyrs,
our national dignity and collective convictions and will diminish
our national struggle.

Thus, we announced that we will not be able to accept the invitation
to a gala banquet in Los Angeles.

Social Democratic Hunchakian Party US Executive Board Armenian
Revolutionary Federation Western US Central Committee Armenian
Democratic Liberal Organization (Ramkavar party) US Regional Executive