David Krikorian Accusing Congresswoman Jean Schmidt For Taking "Bloo


01.10.2009 01:49 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ In U.S. the Ohio Elections Commission is set to
rule on whether a challenger made reprehensible false statements when
he claimed that a Republican incumbent Jean Schmidt from Ohio’s 2nd
Congressional District had taken "blood money" from Turkish interests.

"This is not an acceptable way to campaign; you can’t just run out
and accuse people of taking bribes," Bruce Fein, an attorney with
the Turkish American Legal Defense Fund, said.

The case is known as Schmidt v. Krikorian, Miami Herald reports.

Participants include Fein’s opposite number, Armenian-American lawyer
Mark Geragos, whose past clients have ranged from former California
Rep. Gary Condit to convicted wife murderer Scott Peterson. Fein,
a former Justice Department official in the Reagan administration,
and Geragos have been regular guests on various cable-television shows.

"These Turkish organizations and operatives, if they can’t do it
by money, they do it by blackmail, so they collect information on
sexual lives and other information like that," Sibel Edmonds, who
served several months as a part-time contract translator for the FBI,
declared in an Aug. 8 deposition.

Turkish Embassy officials couldn’t be reached for comment, but Fein
dismissed Edmonds’ claims as a "phantasmagoria" and an "utterly
ridiculous concoction." Edmonds didn’t play any role in challenger
David Krikorian’s campaign, and Fein contends that Edmonds was summoned
as a witness in order to create a buzz with "salacious" allegations.

"It’s certainly an opportunity to delve deeper into the extent of
foreign government manipulation of the American political system,"
said Elizabeth Chouldjian, a spokeswoman for the Armenian National
Committee of America.

Krikorian, who ran as an independent last year but has since identified
himself as a Democrat, claimed that Schmidt’s opposition to the
Armenian Genocide resolution was tied to her ign contributions.

"I ask the people of Ohio’s 2nd Congressional District to ask
themselves if our representative should be taking money from a foreign
government," Krikorian declared in one campaign flier.

The contributions alluded to included money that Schmidt raised in
a February 2008 event at a restaurant called Cafe Istanbul, where
participants included Turkish Coalition of America President Lincoln

"We have a member of Congress from Ohio who is willing to stand up
to the Armenian lobby, and it is important for the Turkish community
to support her," a fundraising e-mail from the Turkish Coalition of
America said.

Schmidt, though, said that she didn’t ask people why they contributed
to her campaigns, declaring her "hope that it’s because they believe
I’m a great American."

Contributions to campaigns by foreign governments are illegal. McCurdy
said in his deposition that his organizations relied on U.S. citizens
and legal residents for campaign contributions.

If the commission decides that Krikorian lied or spoke with
"reckless disregard" for the truth or falsity of his statements,
commissioners could reprimand him or forward the case for possible
criminal prosecution under an Ohio "false statement" law.