Metro Prize


12:09:42 – 30/09/2009

Beginning from September 14, new card system started to operate at
the metro after K. Demirchyan. Starting from May 25, those people who
have recharged their cards two times participate in a competition
and 200 happy persons have the possibility to use the metro for 20
times free of charge.

The competition has been held already for three times though there is
no information on sold cards and winnings. In answer to our question,
they say it is a commercial secret.

The press secretary of the Metropolitan Ninel Vardanyan noted
in a conversation with us that the competition is held quite
justly. Computer chooses 200 people by chance, but there are many
people who do not take their prize, although there is a relevant
announcement in any corner of the metro. This non-taken money is
added to the prize of the next month and possibly very soon not 200
but 400 people will have the chance to win.