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‘Roupens’ To Host AYF Olympics On West Coast

‘Roupens’ to Host AYF Olympics on West Coast

Septemb er 30, 2009

The AYF Olympics is a long-standing tradition that brings together
Armenian American youth from different corners of the country. This
year, the Glendale AYF "Roupen" Chapter is hosting the 36th Annual
AYF Olympics, a weekend long event dedicated to sports competitions
between the teams from AYF chapters across the Western United
States. Participating in the Olympics is a great way to spend your
Thanksgiving weekend along with fellow Armenians from various parts
of the U.S., so do not miss the opportunity to join our young men
and women during this exciting event.

This year, the AYF Olympics will take place from Nov. 27-29. The
Friday evening activities will convene at 3 p.m. and Sunday events
will finish at 2 p.m. We have chosen the picturesque Paradise Point
Resort and Spa located in the beautiful city of San Diego, Calif.,
on 1404 W. Vacation Rd., as the place to hold the competitions. The
resort is located right by the beach and it has all of the sports
accommodations necessary on its grounds. Glendale AYF members are
very excited about this year’s Olympics and are doing everything to
make this a memorable experience for everyone involved.

The Olympics program this year is very interesting and demanding. The
teams will engage in games such as soccer, basketball, and volleyball
in a quest to win this prestigious competition. In addition to the
games, there will be various fun-filled social events over the course
of the weekend, including a Friday night party at the beach followed
by a bonfire and a Sunday night dinner and dance at the resort with
our alumni.

The participants will have an opportunity to explore various local
sites and attractions.

To reserve your room (or suite), call (858) 274-4630 and mention
the AYF Olympics in order to receive the special rate of $119 per
night. Shuttle service from the San Diego Airport to the hotel will
be provided. As an additional incentive, we are offering a $100 value
HYE PASS for $65 (after Nov. 2, $85), which will allow you to enjoy
breakfast, dinner, and the Friday and Saturday night events at this
discounted price. For more information, visit

We hope to see you all of you at the Olympics this year. Do
not hesitate to contact the Glendale AYF Olympics Committee at
sandiegoolympics2009@gmail.com in order to publish your advertisement
in the Ad Book, which will be provided to all attending members. If you
have any questions or concerns, the members of the Olymipcs committee
will be glad to answer them as well. Thank You.

Harutyunian Christine:
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