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Serzh Sargsyan: Some Points Of Protocols Result Of Compromise


16:48 / 09/30/2009

By signing the Armenian-Turkish Protocols Armenia is not forming "ties
of relationship" with Turkey. Rather, Armenia is only trying to create
a tolerable atmosphere for further cooperation, RA President Serzh
Sargsyan stated at his meeting with members of the RA Public Council.

"Yes, the public has doubts about the Armenian-Turkish protocols,
which is quite natural. Everyone may have doubts about any issue. I,
too, had doubts when I was inviting Turkish President Abdullah Gul to
Yerevgan, and when I was fighting on the frontline for Karabakh. Did
not we have any doubts when we were voting for independence? And if
anyone thinks the Armenian-Turkish protocols are documents designed
to make wishes come true, then -" the President said. Sargsyan regards
as unfounded the fears that Turkey may spell out the protocols in its
favor. "If Turkey can, we can as well. Has anyone seen a 5-6-point
international document that would not allow of various comments?" the
President asked. Sargsyan stressed he does not claim all the nuances
were considered in preparing the documents, that better results were
impossible or a better document can be compiled some time. "No computer
in the world can forecast all the consequences of Armenian-Turkish
relations. I just say we cannot live on like this, we must speak. I
respect the forces holding a different opinion now, just as they did
10-15 years ago, but not the ones that stated one thing 15 years ago,
whereas they are stating different things now, thereby trying to cash
in on the people’s feelings and reap dividends," the President said.

As regards fears of economic and geographic expansion on Turkey’s
part if the Armenian-Turkish border is reopened, Serzh Sargsyan
does not share them. "Moreover, I have talked to many experts and
economists. They believe that an open order will open up ampler
opportunities for Armenian producers than for Turkish producers –
the Armenian market serves three million people, the Turkish market 70
million, which is almost 23 times as much. If, under the circumstances,
Turkish businessmen gain an advantage over Armenian businessmen,
they deserve it. We are in constant fear of the penetration of cheap
Turkish products into out market. One gets the impression we do
not want to see cheap goods on our markets," the Armenian President
said. Sargsyan expressed surprise at the fact why nobody has ever
voiced fears of Iranian economic expansion. As regards demographic
expansion, Sargsyan said that it can only be prevented provided all
necessary conditions for a demographic boom are created in Armenia.

The Armenian leader also addressed the regularly voiced fears about
preconditions allegedly contained in the Armenian-Turkish protocols. He
stated that the documents do not contain any preconditions. "Of
course, the documents have some points that are the result of
compromise. However, discontent would be expressed even if they were
not there. Even if the protocols resembled a capitulation [of Turkey],
discontent would be expressed in any case," Sargsyan said. Commenting
on the statements that the Armenian-Turkish dialogue was the result of
external pressure, the Armenian President stated that no pressure has
ever been exerted. "Nobody forced me to invite the Turkish President
to Yerevan nor did anyone force us to sit down at negotiating table
with Turkey. If anyone thinks it is only Turks that need all this,
they are mistaken," the President said.

He once more stressed that establishing relations with Turkey does
not at all mean consigning the Armenian Genocide to oblivion. "During
this year I have said it hundreds of times. What else shall I do
for you to believe? Write it in capitals on a poster and put it up
somewhere like a slogan of Soviet times?" Even if the process of
international recognition of the Armenian Genocide slows down, it
will not be the result of the signing of the protocols. Rather, some
forces discontented with the documents, will stop exerting necessary
efforts. "Of course, I do not claim the Armenian-Turkish protocols,
if signed, will facilitate the international recognition of the
Armenian Genocide. Moreover, all those denying the Genocide will
refer to the documents and say the Armenian-Turkish dialogue must
be finished before. This means we must show even a greater degree
of persistence even to greater degree, exert even greater efforts
toward the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide. If the
Armenian communities in a number of countries have to make some more
efforts toward the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide
and for the sake of the Homeland’s steady progress, let them do so,"
Sargsyan said. If the Turks were sure that by admitting the Armenian
Genocide they would "put an end" to the Armenian communities worldwide,
they would do that, Sargsyan said. According to the Armenian leader,
even if the signing of the Armenian-Turkish Protocols slows down
the process of international recognition of the Armenian Genocide,
it will intensify debates over the issue inside Turkey.

"What is more important for us – the recognition of the Armenian
Genocide by a country or, for instance, Turkey’s abrogating the
law providing for criminal responsibility for using the term
‘genocide’?" Sargsyan asked. He does not rule out that Turks will
try to get the issues of the Armenian Genocide discussed by the
scientific subcommittee. However, the Armenian scholars to be involved
in it must be able to decisively repel their Turkish counterparts’
attempts, and advance convincing counterarguments, Sargsyan said. "Any
process has its cost, and I am ready to ‘pay the bill’," the Armenian
leader said. If Turkey tries to make use of the documents in its own
interests, Armenia will do the same. "Any country has its potential,
and Armenia has sufficient potential to negotiate with Turkey. What
are we afraid of? Aren’t we able to negotiate with Turkey? How then
are we able to negotiate with superpowers?" the President asked.

As regards the alleged link between the Armenian-Turkish protocols
and the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process, Sargsyan said: "When I am
alone, I heartily laugh at the accusations against me concerning
the Nagorno-Karabakh problem. People who were not even in Armenia
during the fights for Karabakh are accusing me – people who were
afraid of going out lest they be called up. Who are they defending
Karabakh from? From at least an indirect way, mention the borders
and the Armenian Genocide, they do not contain a single hint at
Nagorno-Karabakh. Of course, Turks can state the necessity for
settling the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict simultaneously with the
Armenian-Turkish normalization process — it is nothing, but their
wish. We, as well as the international community, have repeatedly
stated that the Nagorno-Karabakh problem has nothing in common with the
Armenian-Turkish relations. Why are they trusted, not we? I think that
the talks about any link between the Nagorno-Karabakh problem and the
Armenian-Turkish protocols will not be taken seriously after the OSCE
Minsk Group issues a relevant statement," President Sargsyan said. He
stressed that the problem must be solved, and the solution must contain
the de facto status of Nagorno-Karabakh over the last 21 years, ensure
the country’s peaceful and steady development. "If a solution fails
to be found, we will again stand up for Nagorno-Karabakh’s interests,
and the people accusing me of betraying these very interests will
run to hide at their homes not to get caught by military registration
officers," President Sargsyan stated.

Chalian Meline:
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