To Take The Mandate


17:19:17 – 30/09/2009

The leader of the Heritage party honourable Mr. Raffi Hovhannisyan,
several days after his resignation, decided to withdraw it.

Raffi Hovhannisyan explained his step saying that first he felt
betrayed but after he heard appeals form his compatriots from Armenia
and Diaspora to "accept the challenge and regardless inequality of
force to use the National Assembly limited possibility to work for
the sake of truth and justice". To be honest, reading these lines,
I remembered a joke. When a dance group after its fist performance
is called to the stage for a second performance by applauds, then
for the third, for the forth and fifth times when in the end they
understand that the spectators just made fun of them.

So, you do not know what the aim of the Armenian citizens and
Armenians from Diaspora is when they ordered Raffi Hovhannisyan to
come back. You do not know whether the Armenian citizens and the
Armenians from Diaspora were the authors of these pleads or maybe
Raffi Hovhannisyan’s political rivals sent messages and called Raffi
asking to come back and presented it as a "national plead" for him
to withdraw his resignation to appear in a ridiculous situation.

The fact that the situation is quite ridiculous may arouse doubts
only in Raffi Hovhannisyan otherwise he would not take back his
already laid down mandate. After this, Raffi Hovhannisyan’s words are
completely superfluous, because the society never knows if a person
who withdraws his resignation will not renounce his words either.

Raffi Hovhannisyan is not ruled out to have believed someone else’s
words and laid down his parliamentary mandate for some expectation
for example for a higher post but he remained without nothing having
to retake his mandate. Raffi Hovhannisyan is possible to be silent for
so long right because he was looking for an honourable way to withdraw
his resignation. And it is either ruled out that not the political
rivals sent the "national appeals" through all the possible means of
technology but Raffi Hovhannisyan organized it for the sake of an
honourable return. No, perhaps, Raffi Hovhannisyan tried to repeat
Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s impressive return but came out not to have
enough patience to wait for 10 years. Whereas, he had to realize that
the effect was not in the form of return but in waiting for ten years.

Apparently, the Heritage board has to withdraw Zoya Tadevosyan,
Vardan Khachatryan and Movses Aristakesyan’s dismissals. After,
the Heritage will withdraw its registration at the Ministry of Justice.