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ANKARA: Gul: `The time has come to lift the occupation factor’


Abdullah Gul: `The time has come to lift the occupation factor in the
Azerbaijani lands’
[ 03 Oct 2009 14:15 ]

Nakhchivan ` APA. `The time has come to solve all conflicts in the
South Caucasus, including the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict,
peacefully and within the territorial integrity of the countries’,
said Turkish President Abdullah Gul in his speech at the 9th summit of
Turkic-speaking countries in Nakhchivan, APA reports.

He said Turkey gave special importance to the territorial integrity of
Azerbaijan. `We believe in necessity of lifting the occupation factor
in the occupied lands of Azerbaijan. The time has come. We wish for
the diplomatic solution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict that it will
be solved through the dialogue and peace and stability will be
established in the South Caucasus. Undoubtedly it could be realized
only after the lifting of occupation factor’.

Jidarian Alex:
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