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Ralph Yirikian spoke at the international conference

03.10.2009, 09:28

Ralph Yirikian spoke at the international conference

VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian spoke at the international
conference `University Education for 21st Century’ dedicated to the
90th Anniversary of the Yerevan State University.

In his speech titled `Business and Education: Corporate Link’ Ralph
Yirikian touched upon the role business can play in improving and
perfecting the system of higher education in Armenia by making it meet
market needs. VivaCell-MTS General Manager particularly reflected on
the two approaches adopted by the Company ` the principles of
Corporate Responsibility, and Innovative Solutions, – both in business
and in its relations with the society.

These two principles serve the basis that push VivaCell-MTS to enhance
its cooperation with the educational institutions of our country. The
companies, which have skilled and highly professional employees, and
obtain a flexible system of management, win in the intensifying market
competition. But to provide that, the businesses need to be open to
progress and innovation, which is why VivaCell-MTS continues seeking
for new technological and marketing solutions.

Ralph Yirikian said: `Why should business cooperate with the
education? Among perpetually competing businesses in the modern world,
companies that go hand in hand with innovations and continuously train
their staffs, paying particular attention to novice approaches and the
way of thinking, win the race. That is one of the ways of the
country’s development. We believe we should approach problems not just
from position of a commercial organization, but as a Corporate
Citizen. From this perspective we kept and will continue to keep the
higher education sector within the focus of our special attention.
VivaCell-MTS presents the universities of Armenia its achievements,
giving students and alumni opportunity to enrich their theoretical
knowledge by familiarizing themselves with technological innovations.’

Badalian Vardan:
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