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Spending on social services increase

03.10.2009, 16:21

Spending on social services increase

Between January and August the state faces 157.7 billion AMD in
increased spending on social services (growth by 35% which is 86.9% of
nine-month plan).

In particular 116.9 billion AMD was allocated as pensions for
retirees, and 40.8 billion as benefit.

Spending on pensions grew by 14%, on benefits ` by 26.2%; spending on
subsidy reached 12.2 billion AMD that implement the plan by 81.2% and
lost 22.1% to last year’s index, reports press-office of Armenian
Ministry of Finance.

Budget of more than 48.6 billion AMD was projected as grant spending
of which nine-month program is already executed by 80.3%.

Taslakhchian Andranik:
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