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Turkey doesn’t want to destroy Armenia

03.10.2009, 14:18

Turkey doesn’t want to destroy Armenia

The director of the puppet theatre Ruben Babayan and famous actor
Hrant Tokhatyan touched upon the subject of opening of Armenian `
Turkish boarder.

The speakers think that the opening of the boarder and the affirmation
of the relations is inescapable and we had to get ready for that long

`We had to get ready for that since 1915. We shouldn’t leave
everything on the last night. The thing that the boarders should be
opened is undiscussable, that the lands will be returned. It was to be
sooner or later’, – thinks H. Tokhatyan.

According to R. Babayan the thing that happens now was to take place,
as in the 21st century is not possible to live with the normative of
the 20th century: `The problem is that we should now how better to get
prepared.’ The artist is sure that we should delete from our habits
the process of calling for an aid, and we should establish normal
relations with the neighbors.

`It is possible to get prepared on the way too. It is impossible to
learn swimming without entering to the water. The Armenian Nation will
never die; we have survived through worse situations. The problem is
in ourselves, if we start loving our culture, the foreigner will not
get its place’, – said R. Babayan.

R. Babayan also said if Turkey wanted to destroy Armenia `he would
return the lands to Armenia, together with 20 million Kurds, there
will be held democratic elections, a Kurd president would be elected
and that’s all.’

According to the speakers instead of looking for people to be blamed
we should prosper our country, the countrymen are in bad situation in
the regions, the road taking to Karabakh which was to be full of
tracks and the life was to be on there is empty¦

Nalchajian Markos:
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