22 New Memberships

Hellenic News of America

22 New Memberships

Maria Karagianis, Anatolia Director of US Operations, with Paulette Poulos.

The National Membership Committee, under the Chairmanship of Thomas
L. Demakes, succeeded in recruiting 22 new memberships toward the 2009
goal of 50. There are now 825 members with 397 fulfilled members and
86 Leadership 100 Partners.

Prospect lists sent to members of the Board of Trustees and Membership
Chairmen in their respective Metropolises developed by Project Fish
Finder, an innovative marketing plan devised by Mike Henry, a member
of the Board of Trustees, and personal peer to peer contacts, resulted
in the majority of new members.

Events in Boston in September and plans for future events in Chicago
and Cleveland have already identified likely prospects that promise to
reach, if not exceed the goal.

In addition, the Leadership 100 Office has dramatically reduced the
Inactive Members list and is now focusing on maintaining accurate
updated listings of contributing members.

Chairman Stephen G. Yeonas has continued to make membership
recruitment the highest priority of his tenure with a new campaign
challenge to all members: Giving 5 Minutes a Day Leads a New Member
Our Way.’

Among the new members is Anatolia College, the K-12 American private
school and four- year Liberal Arts college in Thessaloniki, Greece,
which was founded by New England educators and missionaries in early
19th century Anatolia (modern day Turkey) and had educated Greek and
Armenian Christians in the Ottoman Empire for nearly 100 years before
moving to Greece in 1924. The College was recruited by National
membership Chairman, Thomas L. Demakes of the Metropolis of Boston.

The other new memberships (in most cases couples count as one
membership) and their Metropolises are:

Archdiocesan District of New York: Katrina P. Allwin- recruited by
Maria Allwin; Alexander Amanatides- recruited by Michael N. Bapis;
Stavros Aktipis ` recruited by James Pantelidis and Peter J. Pappas;
and Markos L. Drakotas ` recrui kis ` recruited by Michael N. Bapis,
Markos Marinakis and George Soterakis; John Neamonitis ` recruited by
George Soterakis; Michael and Robin Psaros ` recruited by Fr. Elias
Villis and Paulette Poulos; John Tsunis ` recruited by James
Pantelidis; and Dr. Dialecti Voudouris ` recruited by Dr. George

Metropolis of Boston: Christina Sakellaris and Peter Sakellaris `
recruited by Stephen G. Yeonas and Cathy Sakellaris.

Metropolis of Atlanta: Nicholas and Tina Trataros ` recruited by John
Kusturiss; and Alexandra Huttinger ` recruited by Dina Oldknow.

Metropolis of San Francisco: Chris and Jennifer Caras, Jr. ` recruited
by Chris W. Caras.

Metropolis of New Jersey: John and Maria Daskalakis, Jr., John Alex
Daskalakis III and Cina Daskalakis` recruited by John Daskalakis and
Louis Nicozisis; James M. and Nora C. Orphanides ` recruited by
Fr. Alexander Karloutsos and John Catsimatidis; Thrasyvoulas Maroulis
and Maria Stefanis ` recruited by Dr. George Stefanis; and an
anonymous new member recruited by Paulette Poulos.